If you've been reading my last few posts and you're now hopelessly confused, then I'd like to thank you -- it means you've been paying attention!
My last post (about the Law of Attraction) seems to contradict my earlier posts about prophecy and apocalypticism and the Church's claim that we can't change anything in our relationship with God because of original sin. But hey -- that's the great thing about orthodox Western Christian theology! It doesn't have to make sense! Mutually contradictory doctrines are more than welcome in the pulpit -- in fact, the more confusion, the better. That way, people in the congregation will always feel off balance and slightly stupid in comparison to the elevated seminarians who have humbly answered God's call to preach the Chalcedon Creed.
And such a joy it is to be able to preach the mystery of the Trinity and the whole homoousios (one substance) thing!* Of course it doesn't make any sense . . . but that's the beauty of it! Our inability to understand the Trinity reminds us constantly that we're weak and unworthy in comparison to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Obviously, if we weren't so weak and unworthy, we'd understand the whole thing better, more like those specially chosen priests and ministers who are higher than we are on the ladder of spiritual ascent. But, alas, ours is not to wonder why, as the old saying goes. Ours is to obey.
The Church says that God is One, but is also Three, and we must obey the Church's teachings on this matter. We must submit to a Trinitarian God. Even in the United Church of Canada, where a lot of people no longer feel comfortable with Trinitarian theology, General Council still requires that baptisms be carried out in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (all of whom are male).
It's a neat trick, this God-is-One-but-also-Three thing. It's a convenient way to play a shell game with the contradictory teachings in the Bible and in the Church's own body of doctrines. By insisting that God is of one substance but three different natures, the Church can preserve its traditional image of God as a transcendent, monotheistic, unemotional King and Judge, while at the same time keeping the idea of God as interventionist Spirit, and God as Suffering Son. But don't forget -- God is all these things at the same time, so you mustn't try to imagine that the Suffering Son is a different being or entity in comparison to the transcendent and unemotional King. And don't forget that although the Son conquered the devil and original sin while he was here, you're still suffering from the effects of the devil and original sin because, well, because, ummm, the End Times aren't here yet, so the promise of salvation hasn't been completely fulfilled yet. But don't worry too, too much, because even as we speak, God is stretching out his hand from the future End Times (where all things have already been fulfilled), and is reaching into the present time through the actions of the Spirit and the miracle of prolepsis to bring some of that fulfillment into your life today.
Like, huh?
I have a better idea, one that's much less complicated. Let's try Jesus' own teachings about God for a while, and see if we can do better in our ongoing efforts to forge a meaningful, sensible, joyous relationship with God the Father and God the Mother.
Jesus' own teachings can't be any worse than what we've got right now.
*If you want to read about the history of the debates that led to the christological and trinitarian doctrines still held by the church, a good introduction can be found in Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation (New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1984). An extremely thorough and erudite theological review of the relevant early doctrines is presented in Jon Sobrino, Christ the Liberator (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001).