In last Saturday's Toronto Star (Sat., Sept. 18, 2010), an article on page 2 stopped me in my tracks. Entitled "Believers fine with the Rapture, but what about Fido?" (written by Lesley Ciarula Taylor), the story described a new Internet-based business called "Eternal Earth-Bound Pets." This business, founded by a gentleman named Bart Centre, already has 225 clients who have paid $110 U.S. per pet to have their pets rescued and cared for after May 21, 2011.
Why are these clients so confident their pets will need to be rescued after May 21, 2011? Well, because the Rapture has been prophesied for that day, and as every Rapture-believing evangelical Christian knows, that's when "true believers" will be saved -- taken directly up into Heaven, body and all, in the twinkling of an eye -- and all the rest of the poor slobs on Planet Earth will left to contend with the dreaded Doomsday, currently prophesied to be coming soon to a sinful city near you on October 21, 2011.
Of course, since only the chosen among human beings will be beamed up to Heaven during the Rapture, there's the dicey question of who will look after all those soulless pets, the pets that will be abandoned by their Christian owners when the "stampede of saints" comes next spring.
Enter Eternal Earth-Bound Pets. Mr. Centre, you go for it! I wish you luck in your money-making enterprise. I have no sympathy for orthodox Western Christians who choose to believe in apocalyptic bullshit like the Rapture. If their narcissistic, status-driven beliefs make them vulnerable to niche marketing schemes, that's okay. Maybe some of these idiots will learn the hard way not to listen to religious prophets.
Of course, these particular Christians are listening to the teachings of Paul, and Paul was himself an apocalyptic religious prophet. Paul was going around telling people that Jesus was coming back "really, really soon," and that people who gave over their lives to complete faith in Christ would not die, but would be saved, body and soul, and taken up into Heaven. ("Beam me up, Scotty.")
Give me a break. Paul was making absurd promises to people. He was telling people they could escape death on one condition: they had to fully accept Paul's teachings. Notice how he left himself "an out," though. If they happened to die before Christ's return, it was their own fault. They must have fallen short in their belief.
Too bad for you, buddy (said Paul). Your faith wasn't good enough (said Paul). You should have tried harder to follow my own special brand of teachings (said Paul). Repent, repent!
Paul talks a lot in First Corinthians about escaping sin and death. But he never talks in this letter about healing miracles.
Ah, you say, what about Acts 20:7-12, where Paul heals the young man who fell out of the window! That sounds like something Jesus would have done!
True, but Paul didn't write the Acts of the Apostles. Somebody else wrote it decades later, and, if scholar Barrie Wilson is correct, "Luke" wrote this book for the express purpose of bridging the doctrinal gulf between the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem (the Ebionites) and the followers of Paul (proto-orthodox Christians in Hellenistic cities like Antioch). It's cheating to rely on the Acts of the Apostles for confirmation that Paul cared about physical healing for low-status people. In the seven biblical letters written by Paul himself, there's nothing to suggest he cared a whit about the healing miracles ascribed to Jesus son of Joseph.
Paul wasn't teaching people about the kind of everyday psycho-spiritual-physical healing that Jesus carried out during his tenure as a physician-scholar in Galilee. Jesus, after all, was interested in healing the physical bodies and physical brains of marginalized people (women, lepers, the blind, the deaf, the "possessed" who suffered from neurological and psychiatric disorders). Paul, meanwhile, was only interested in mystical teachings about spiritual wisdom, ritual purity, prophecy, mystery, spiritual powers, and spiritual authority.
Paul taught apocalyptic bullshit. Jesus did not.
If Paul were alive today, he'd no doubt be preaching the Rapture, and telling his faithful flock how to piously prepare for the "stampede of saints" so they won't be Left Behind.
I'm looking forward to May 22, 2010, when I'll be getting up and having my morning coffee and looking out my window at the beautiful world God the Mother and God the Father have created for all their children.
Even the four-legged ones.